
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2 Years, 100 Posts, 1 Savior

Hello everyone! This is the 100th post on this blog. And by seeming coincidence (except as we know, there is no such thing), Sunday was its 2 year birthday. Thus begins a new era. I have always enjoyed writing here, and I have written on so much, but by the grace of God I have also grown much since I started this blog in February of 2011. I have matured in many ways: in beliefs, in writing style, in attitudes, and even in behavior. In fact, so much has changed that I will soon be revisiting many old topics I covered from a fresh new perspective. God has shown me more about Himself, more about myself, and more about others. He has gradually humbled me. When I started this blog, my general attitude was, "God has given me a very unique position of being completely right on a number of issues that most people are either wrong about or do not understand, so I will use this blog as a way to correct people," though much less explicit and not so obviously condescending. However, God has convinced me that my own beliefs are far from infallible, that I do not know half of what I think I do, and that perspectives different from my own are more important and less problematic than I tend to think. He has made me more reasonable, less defensive, and has generally tamed my brain. Basically, by the power of grace I have become in my reasoning and writing more "swift to listen, slow to speak, and slow to wrath," just as God promised us. So as I prepare to continue writing and sharing with you all that I have seen and heard and learned of our marvelous Savior Jesus Christ, I ask you to pray for me. Pray that I will become ever more Christlike in word, deed, and belief. Pray that I will be fervently committed to the Gospel, sharing it in every way at every opportunity. Pray that God will continue to lead me into more humble knowledge and understanding, not merely that I may know things, but that I may share with others and show the glory and grace of God to those who need a good glimpse. Stick around, because I believe God has more to do with this silly young adult's blog.
Speaking of "young adult," it is also now time that I will properly introduce myself. My name is Caleb Smith (I probably wouldn't post my full name except for the fact that Caleb Smith is so generic it's not even a privacy risk at all). I am 18 years old and currently dual-enrolled. Right now making plans for college is a huge part of my life. I have a wonderful girlfriend who is legitimately an amazing blessing from God, godly and sweet and beautiful. I am interested in theology, apologetics, philosophy, politics (I straddle the line between radical conservative and libertarian), economics, writing, science fiction (not the kind you probably envision, though), computers and technology, and to a small degree theoretical physics (mostly just because I like the crazy, complex, imaginative feel to it). I like to watch Doctor Who and Once Upon a Time. I have nearly a dozen different Bibles and a large collection of books, not counting those on my iPad. I am awkward and rather quirky, and one of my friends tells me I have some similarities to hipsters, though I am uncertain about that. Owl City is my favorite music artist in general, and Tenth Avenue North is probably my favorite Christian artist. I don't like hard rock, or rap, but I have a lot of respect for some of such artists, like Lecrae. I am basically an introvert, though I have become somewhat slowly more extraverted over time. I am glad to be the person whom God has made me, and I love my life. To quote my favorite show, "I am and always will be the optimist, hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer or impossible dreams." I have tons of flaws, and I won't gloss over them like they don't matter, nor claim they are what make me human, nor pride myself in them, but I will rejoice that God has chosen to use my weaknesses to display His power! In all this, I pray that I glorify God. That is why I write this blog, and that is why I want to live the rest of my life. Pray that I will. Pray for me because I have big changes in my life coming up, college being one of them. Pray that God will shine through me and people may come to know Him. And I pray for you all, that you will be edified by my writing. God bless! Amen.