
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Announcement of the Euangelion

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
The cosmos was destroyed,
and sin reigned.
The theos of this age blinded—
he deceived the people.
Everyone became guilty,
and everything fell corrupt.
Even the grass wept,
and the animals mourned.
Desire became emptiness,
and pleasure became treachery.
All of mankind is silent,
and must stand before the Judge.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
God is in no way content--
He will not stand for this.
"My cosmos shall not perish,
and it shall not decay forever!"
Says the Sovereign Lord,
"I will set all things right!"
So He sends Himself,
He sends to earth a Son.
Only the Messias can free;
the Christos shall be Redeemer.
For He shall conquer Zion's enemies,
and through Israel shall rule.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
The Messias has come,
and He fights for the covenant!
For the injured and the sick,
He is Yeshua Rapha.
For those who are oppressed,
He is Yeshua Gmolah.
For the lonely and forsaken,
He is Yeshua Shammah.
He reverses death for some,
and gives truth to all.
He is the Servant of the Lord,
yet He shall be crushed.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
To fulfill all things,
the Christos is to die.
For the transgressions of many,
He becomes a propitiation.
God's Messias was bruised
to remove our iniquities.
To rescue us from Hades,
He Himself enters Sheol.
As He descends to the Pit,
so our sins are taken with Him.
His sarx was broken,
and He took wounds for our judgment.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
Sheol cannot hold the Messias,
neither can Hades bind the Christos!
The tomb is now empty,
for Jesus has risen from the Pit!
The Lord has exalted my Lord,
and the Spirit has animated Him again!
Death is defeated,
and Satan is vanquished!
Sin is left in the abyss,
and justification is free to all!
The Kurios Iesous Christos is risen,
and He is alive forevermore!

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
Jesus, the Christos, has been appointed,
by the Father, to be the Son-of-God-in-power!
The Messias is Adonai;
He begins His reign over all creation!
He shall extend the display of His glory
across all the cosmos,
and He shall conform all things,
in heaven and in earth, to His will.
The Lord Jesus is given all authority,
and He will judge the earth.
Submit to His Lordship,
for He is the King.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
The Christos has been given by God
all authority to rule and to judge.
In the coming eschaton,
He will return to consummate His kingdom.
When He is firmly established,
and has finished the Kingdom of God,
then to the faithful He shall grant life,
to reign under Him forever,
but to the wicked He shall give judgment,
to die in the wilderness forever.
Only those in the Messias
shall be spared the doom of Sheol.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
Repent, and believe in Him!
Have faith in the Son of God!
Trust in Jesus and enter His covenant,
for only in the Messias is life found.
All who submit themselves
to the Lordship of Jesus,
these ones will be saved
and will share in eternal glory.
In His kingdom is light and life;
there is neither sorrow nor pain.
Sheol is beaten forever,
and Satan is cast down.

Listen, all men!
Hear my words, all nations!
The Kingdom of the Christos
is not reserved for future only.
Jesus has established His Church,
and by His bride the kingdom comes today!
The ecclesia shall do as the Savior,
healing the sick and feeding the hungry.
They shall support those in poverty,
and promote justice for those in oppression.
They shall take the Gospel,
and shall proclaim the eugelion to all.
Today is the day of salvation,
and the time to make right is now!

To God the Father,
and to The Lord Jesus Christ,
be all praise,
and all glory,
and all honor,
and all power,
both now and forever.