
Monday, April 1, 2013

Your Body in 10,000 Years

I recently went to Secret Church. If you are unfamiliar, it is a service hosted biannually (twice a year) by David Platt and his church. It is basically 6 hours of pure Bible study, going from 7 PM to 1 AM (Eastern time, that is. Platt's church is on Central, thus for them it is 6-12), meant especially to draw awareness to the plight of persecuted Christians all over the world who must meet in secret without the conveniences we have here. The topic this time was "Heaven, Hell, and the End of the World." We covered much ground, from some basics of soteriology to details of eschatology. However, while talking after church, I found that one topic which caused some confusion was the resurrected body. Specifically, the question was whether the resurrected body will actually be physical like our current bodies are. Fortunately, I can answer that fairly easily:
And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God. (Job 19:26)
According to Job, after his skin has been destroyed (i.e. he dies), he will see God in his flesh, that is, his physical body.
"Look at my hands and my feet; it's me! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have." (Luke 24:39)
According to Jesus, His resurrected body is physical, just as ours will be. It is "flesh and bones." However, just to further demonstrate this point, I present the definition of the word "physical" from
1. of or pertaining to the body
2. of or pertaining to that which is material
Obviously, just the fact that the resurrection bodies will be, well, bodies fulfills the first definition of "physical."   And the fact that Scripture describes Jesus' resurrection body as being touched (John 20:27), and able to eat (Luke 24:40-43), and visible (ibid.), and audible (ibid.)—this all adds up to a resurrection body being properly material and tangible. Thus we will have a physical body.
Now, this body may very well not be composed of the same matter as our bodies are now. Our current physics seem incapable of running the kind of paradise that Heaven is supposed to be. Therefore we may not have the same chemicals and subatomic particles making up our bodies, but they will nonetheless still be physical.
Other information about our resurrection bodies:
  • They will be indestructible (1 Cor. 15:42).
  • It seems they may be able to phase through solid objects or teleport (John 20:19).
  • They will never experience the pain of hunger and thirst again (Isa. 49:10).
  • They will be able to see God and live (Job 19:26; 1 Jn. 3:2).
  • They are not replacements for our bodies now, but more of a hard-core renovation and restoration (1 Cor. 15:42-44).
I hope this gets you excited about the resurrection! While our dead hearts have already been raised, one day God will come and release us from the death of our current bodies, transforming us into something brand new! Hallelujah, for we are in Christ!